This program provides a municipal property tax rebate to owners who are required to file a “Record of Site Condition” under provincial regulations to allow for the redevelopment of a property. After the redevelopment is completed, the owner is rebated the applicable municipal property taxes each year until approved remediation expenses are reimbursed. Any remediation work completed before receiving City Council approval is ineligible. Before submitting a Brownfield Tax Incentive, please contact the Planning Department to discuss if you qualify for this program.
A brownfield is a former commercial or industrial property that is underused, vacant or abandoned, and contained (or is perceived to contain) industrial wastes. A brownfield property does not meet the environmental standards for its existing or proposed uses.
We support the remediation and redevelopment of brownfield sites and offer financial incentives for the remediation of eligible properties.
Brownfield Financial Incentives
There are two financial incentives available for the remediation of brownfield sites in Brantford. Eligible brownfield sites must be located within the map area of the Brownfield Community Improvement Plan.
Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program (BFTIP)
Brownfields Development Charges Reduction Program
This program reduces development charges for owners who must file a “Record of Site Condition” under provincial regulations to allow for the redevelopment of a property. In some instances, the City may lower the development charges by an amount that is equal to approved remediation expenses for the subject property. Allow for a minimum of 2 months for the review of eligible expenses before applying for building permits. Please contact Planning Staff to begin your request.
Brownfields Community Advisory Committee
Public education is important to promoting the clean up of brownfield properties and the prevention of future brownfield sites. The Brownfields Community Advisory Committee meets monthly to talk about brownfield issues and make recommendations to City Council.
For more information or to apply to a program, please contact:
Planning Department
City of Brantford
58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, Ontario N3T 2J2
T. 519-759-4150
Contact Us
City of Brantford
58 Dalhousie Street
P.O. Box 818
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 2J2
Phone: 519-759-4150